Friday, December 24, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Photo of le week...

Taken right before the first snow storm. That's my good buddy El'Rey hanging around in front of Place Ville Marie (PVM) in Montreal. Upon further investigation (a la google...) I can also go on to tell you that PVM was completed in 1962, contains 13,054 windows, 317,000 sprinkler heads and boasts 53 postal codes. Aslo, PVM requires 65 million kWh per year. The equivalent would supply 3000 single family homes with power for a year..."Hit a few switches on your way out of the office guys". Never the less a fun vertical 360 and a good way not to be in (every) shot taken with the Lomo360.

we are now a few feet under snow...damn.

Here are a couple more fun verticals. That's Adam crossing the street in nyc. He runs marketing and design company called 100proof check'em out. and that's yours truly on a shoot in Santa Barbara CA.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Photo of le week...

I was finally able to get some scans done this weekend. Here's a crew shot (with champagne) on location in Santa Barbara CA.
Taken with a Lomo 360 cam. If you don't have one of these bad boys yet. I would put it on your Chrismakah list. Shooting film is a good time. how soon we forget...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

BROWNS - fall campaign

This Browns shoes campaign was shot at the studio this summer. Some of the shots ended up being in-store "pillers" Printed on a backlit paper. The store vitrines turned out great and had the pleasure of working with another great team on this.
Stylist: Sara Bruneau
Hair & Make-up: Sylvie Laveille

Agency: Java

Here's what the Vitrine's looked like on Saint Catherines st. in Montreal

Click here to see a quick "Making of" from the shoot.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

B2 Fall campaign

Here are a couple of images from the last B2 campaign shoot that has been appearing in all of their stores for the last month or so. This shoot was done in collaboration with Java Communications
Stylist: Sara Bruneau
Hair & Make-up: Sylvie Leveille

Saturday, October 2, 2010

my 30th...

So i hummed and hawd for a while as to what to do for my 30th Birthday. Finally i decided to book a chalet up north on a lake and have some of my closest friends come and join me for the weekend. The only real favor that i asked in return was that they help me build a potato gun. So that was our homework on the Friday night (along with enjoying a few drinks;)
The result? Many potatoes spent that Saturday and Sunday traveling at very high speeds and substantially long distance...:)

Also put together a quick portrait series with the Potato gun in "question". Fun!


Friday, October 1, 2010


The potato canon specs...important stuff for a 30th birthday party:)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hung out with da'boyz from Red October today.

Got some great shots just outside the studio (here's a sneak peak). If you like it heavy. check these hombres out.Red October

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

little less Pure & Simple

Wrapping up post production on last weeks shoot. We were pool & lake side shooting the next Pure & Simple campaign. A beautiful line that has transformed it's self as a brand in the last few years.

Pure & Simple? Maybe a little less...:) looking fwd to see this campaign come out!

Monday, July 26, 2010

stretchiing out

Had a nice quiet shoot on the mountain the other evening with Mica Fitness a personal trainer from Montreal. We did a series of "dramatic" stretching exercises for her site. While finishing up our shoot, had the pleasant surprise/visit from David Hopkins who was out enjoying the mountain. David was a professor of mine while studying at Dawson college EIGHT years time flies when you are having fun.
Here's a peak at what that series will look like;

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hour 14 of post production...

Retouching a lingerie shoot and jewelry shoot simultaneously. Too versatile for my own good?? Maybe but I'm loving every minute of it!!
Couldn't ignore the view from the new office...Montreal skyline at dusk. nice.
$180,000.00 Yellow Diamond? Or Blush Lingerie model...? tough call...Some back stage shots from this week....
Mike working hardMike working (less) hard:)PEACE! (a view from the "camera cam")

Friday, July 9, 2010

How to finish a work week - Friday 5am

Grab jb and benoit again. roll to the Lasalle wave at sun rise. dropped jb off at the office for 7:50. start post production by 9. can i start every day like this? please?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to start the work week - Tuesday (and Wednesday:)

Take the paddle-boards down to the canal at sunrise and take in the beautiful morning. THEN get to work. almost on time....

That's me and jb. Downtown Montreal. 6AM

How to start the work week - MONDAY

Take a few buddy's and go river surfing in Montreal. After that, either head to the office and get some work done or...head to the pool because it's 37 degrees outside.
Thats me with Benoit. Photography by Roderick Chen

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The moon

Was hot today. really hot. left the air conditioned studio this evening to a humid 33 degree city of Montreal.
Summer is here! it has actually come and kicked down the door with a very welcomed hello:) looking forward to so many things to come. lots of new and exciting projects, the return of Grand Prix, our fantastic Jazz fest, playing outside, SHOOTing outside without mitts:) and very soon i get to move in to my new home!
Scouted some locations on my way home and saw this scene;

thought I would share:)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Had the pleasure of putting a great team together for a great cause. Denim & Diamonds is an annual Gala event that raises money for Cancer. More specifically Hope and Cope, a support system for cancer patients and their families. The shoot was recently published in their annual Fashion magazine. Here's how it turned out;

I was very happy with the outcome and it was a great LEARNING EXPERIENCE! For my first time out, I really can't complain.

Kes Tagney shot some fantastic footage during the shoot and put together a very impressive final cut which you can see here;

Underwater Fasion Shoot - Final Cut from Kes Tagney on Vimeo.

Thanks again to all my team!
Stylist: Azamit
H&M: Sylvie Leveille
Model: Elizabeth Plank
Cinematographer: Kes Tagney
Assistant: Michael Manoukian
Assistant: Lisa Small

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bmag shoot - "Celebrities for Charity" Brought to you by Barry Harris Studio. lots of work & lots of fun!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

SmashBox Studios in L.A. - don't mess...i wouldn't

dc (that's me) bhs & Shayne

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sometimes all you need is a little luv'n and a beauty dish....
Shot for industry's Spring 2010